Gardening Interns

Gardening Interns

This is for hands-on learners who want to experience gardening throughout the growing seasons.  Come by once a week, or every two weeks during the season for 2 or 3 hours and we will work together to tend my gardens in whatever tasks are needed.  

Since we all have questions, perplexities and theories about what is happening in our gardens, this gives us a way to share our concerns while keeping the balance of nature in mind.

Mornings are best, 9 to 12, or 10 to 12.  Name a day that works for you.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the gardeners who have interned with me in the past and appreciate the help in getting tasks done. Spending a morning in the garden with a companion is a delightful endeavor.

To inquire, please call: 508-393-8695 or email at