The Gardeners Salon

Over the past many years of farming at Stearns Farm CSA, gardening at home and teaching gardening courses, I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with folks who are interested in learning about growing plants for food and pleasure.  Built on that experience and sustained interest, I am hosting a once a month gathering at my home and calling it: THE GARDENERS SALON, Gardening as If All Things Mattered, modeled after the French Salons of the 17th and 18th centuries.  (More about historic salons)

We come together to discuss seasonal topics and concerns pertinent to that month in our gardens and landscapes.  Then using our knowledge of good gardening techniques we explore methods that can improve, replenish and nurture our land.  Not merely tending our gardens that grow our food, but causing them to be enriched and enlivened by our care and attention.  The question is: How do we grow healthy soil and create inviting environments so we can work with nature to grow healthy food?  In this way THE GARDENERS SALON embarks on a deeper journey to regenerate our gardens and our depleting earth.

We gather the 3rd Saturday of each month, at my home, from 9:30 to 12:30.  We begin with social munching. Coffee and tea are provided.  Please bring a brunch-type food to share. Then a topic is presented and discussed, followed by a visit to the garden and greenhouse to put our discussions into practice.  Always dress for being in the garden.

These sessions are available on an individual basis, that is, each SALON session is open to those who are interested and able to participate that particular Saturday.  Come when it works for you.

Let me know by phone or email (see below) of your interest in order to be on the list of email invitations.

I am initiating the conversations at first, but over time others might want to present a topic for our monthly SALON.  

I request an RSVP if you are planning to attend so I can plan the logistics, but don’t let that prevent you from coming.
A reminder will be sent to the mailing list a week before each session.  If you want to be on the mailing list, please:
Call Kathy at 508-393-8695 or
email her at